how to do lunges properly without damaging your knees -How to do a proper lunge exercise

Sohel Rana
4 min readDec 24, 2020


how to do lunges properly without damaging your knees -How to do a proper lunge exercise.Welcome to watch how to do lunges properly without damaging your knees -How to do a proper lunge exercise. Find more at This video is for how to do lunges properly without damaging your knees -How to do a proper lunge exercise.In this video Dr.Steve young talks about how to do lunges properly without damaging your knees,lunges,knee pain,how to do lunges,knee pain with lunges,how to do a lunge.To watch this video you can learn knee pain with lunges,how to do lunges properly,how to do lunges your knees,lunge knee pain. FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Please don’t forget to subscribe us: 0:00.0 did you knew that most personal trainers and fitness professionals and of course consumers are actually doing the lunge in a harmful and incorrect way let me demonstrate typically in every gym every fitness magazine and every video that 0:13.7 you watched people are doing lunches like this right upper body is upright they lunge down never maybe the holding ways maybe they’re pulling and pushing on things but if you notice in life if you have to actually lunge for a reason 0:27.6 right maybe that’s picking something up on the floor right so if I were to get let’s say this handles on the floor if you notice I can’t reach it like this I have to bend forward like this which you pick it up in sports right if you’re 0:41.8 ever running and you’re stopping to change direction you don’t stop like this right in fact if you look at the studies if you have your body too upright and you plan to stop that’s how you tear your ACL ligament proper 0:55.5 flopping requires your body to get into this position to load the hip I’ll switch legs to load the tip so you can push away and change direction but yet how come in the fitness industry every video magazine picture that you see 1:10.2 there lunging like this I won’t get into why that’s my soapbox but in this video we wanted hapa how do we correct it right how do we correct it so it’s better for you what are the consequences of lunging like this you know in the gym 1:23.7 and so one of the things that your body is designed to do is to move naturally when you lunge like this because my chest and my body weight is more forward my center of mass right the average center of my body when you’re here it’s 1:38.9 basically down through here as I go forward my center of mass is moving forward and it has some very therapeutic effects right what it does is as I go forward like this my hip my hip muscles just you can see on this side these 1:54.1 glute hip hamstring muscles start to kick in whereas when I’m here they start to shut down right here they kick in more and the difference of that is your me health when you lunge like this because this over works the quads 2:08.6 overworked and these underwear your knee joint which is supposed to ust pivot it actually slide your need ring wants a slide and so what’s the consequence of that well with every single lunge read that you do like this 2:22.9 you need does and can and will wise a little bit inside well what does that do he friction in your knee from every repetition is causing a celebrated us writers it’s basically breaking your knee down whereas if you lunch like this 2:41.1 VD just pivots right because you have more even activation between your hamstrings and your cloths imagine a tug-of-war your hamstrings on one side your claws on the other side and ideally you wanted to tie you don’t want that 2:54.8 not to move if they’re not moved becauseone team wins such as the quads your knee joint will slide right and that’ssliding creates more friction which creates more joint damage and arthritis and so I highly encourage you if you are 3:08.0 a fitness professional watching this revamping deepening your understanding of biomechanics and having your clients lunge like this whether they’re holding something I kind of like this motion because it’s a regular motor pattern a 3:22.0 little bit deeper neuroscience but that way of lunging is just better for your knee it’s the proper motor pattern this is a very improper motor pattern because in life you can’t get to things like right you’re going to have to kind of 3:35.7 reach forward anyway when you run and stop you’re supposed to do this right ust Google ACL injury prevention programs and research you’ll see most girls plant and lean back when they try to stop that’s why they’re need blows out it’s the same effect the Denise slides too much and goes so far that it 3:54.7 ripped the ACL right so I hope you found this video helpful just my passion to be able to help. Please don’t forget to LIKE,COMMENT,SHARE & SUBSCRIBE our channel:

